Sunday, October 26, 2008

Precautionary Measures When Critiquing or Criticizing; Or, Hunting Lessons

When hunting down a sacred cow or two, know the gun that you will be using. A shotgun kills the cow faster, but you may unnecessarily/unintentionally wound some other cows. Precise aim is essential for hitting the target you want without bothering the other cows. Some targets require more and bigger ammo and that's fine, but the more bullets you start zipping around may either 1) result in innocent casualities or 2) make you look like a bloodthirsty sadist. Of course, if the cows keep on multiplying and you don't take stock and see which ones may need to be taken out, you'll be left with a field full of cow poop.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bible War

So the ESVSB has landed, and what a ruckus it has caused. On one hand it is quite exciting, on another hand it can cause rebellious types like me to roll their eyes a little bit. Do we need an extra 700 pages of Bible? Do we need glossy reconstructions of the Jerusalem temple? So, with stone-faced determination I went and employed my "less is more" ethic. I went and bought a Bible.

That's what I'm talking about.