'Church'--verb; the act of attending and being involved in a local ecclesiastical establishment.
Now that I'm in seminary (or have been for the past year), what should I expect or look for in a church? Now that I'm well on my way to being authorized (at least on paper)to teach and hold positions of authority in a church, and I'm looking for a church to regularly attend, what should I look for. I am being trained to preach and think deeply and theologically about the world, which puts me on par with most local pastors. So what do I need?
I realize my tone is borderline boastful/prideful, but do know that I have a very humble heart behind this post.
The Instrument of Salvation
11 months ago
I know my wife and I found it difficult to do this as we had just gotten married upon arriving at seminary and it was difficult to find a place that simultaneously encouraged her and had a pastor or capable lay leaders that would take the time to grow me into the ministry. We spent 8 months looking for that church, and Im not sure that where we ended up was the BEST place, but it has enabled me to be involved in some level of leadership and to get to know the pastor and just hear and see how church is done.
But the most important thing was making sure it was a place where my wife was going to grow. I had picked two churches before this one based on what I could be involved with and this really stunted her growth. So make your wife a priority in the decision and just dont pick a place just because you can "get involved and minster".
Blessings in your search, as I know it can be wearisome and give you a sense of being homeless. But be patient and love your wife through it.
Thanks for the help. We've been at one church for the past year, but now we're questioning if it has been the best choice. I really struggle with what should be my main priorities in finding a church, and as you've said, I don't want to leave my wife out of it at all.
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